IAM Electronic - Instrumentation And Measurement Electronics FMC Power Module 

DS#T0008 REV 2022/05/20 
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FPGA Mezzanine Card (FMC)
Power Module

  • HPC interconnector for the breakout and supply of all power signals
  • Forwarding of all FMC High-Pin Count signals
  • Allows external supply of all FMC voltage rails
  • Selectable voltage supply via the carrier board or external source
  • Connections for measuring current loads on all rails
  • Manipulating FMC control flags between carrier and mezzanine card
  • Determination of the load behaviour under different conditions
  • Open-source hardware
FMC Power Module

FMC Power Module with High-Pin Count (HPC) connector on top side
FMC Power Module with HPC connector, jumpers and external power supply connectors on bottom side
  • Electrical characterization of FMC modules
  • Analysis of current consumption
  • Compliance and production tests
  • Easy prototyping and debugging

1. Description

The FMC Power Module is designed to provide external power to FPGA mezzanine cards (FMC) under test. Often the FMC carrier board does not have the capabilities to monitor and manipulate the FMC voltage rails (12.0V, 3.3V, VADJ and 3.3V AUX) individually. For testing an FMC card, it is convenient to feed the voltages through an external power supply. This allows the voltage levels and current consumption to be closely monitored and verified. Such analysis is required for each FMC module because all power requirements must be stored in the EEPROM of the Field Replaceable Unit (FRU) on the mezzanine card. The supply of external voltages is useful for a variety of Unit-Under-Test applications.

2. Application information


3. Electrical data

The printed circuit board is open-source hardware! You can download the FMC Power Module schematics and FMC Power Module board layout files in their latest revision from http://www.fmchub.com.

4. Mechanical data
The board outline is defined by the ANSI/VITA 57.1 standard for single width FMC modules. FMC Power Module 3D View

FMC Power Module mechanical data

Fig. 1: Mechanical drawing of the FMC Power Module.

The mounting holes are plated but have no electrical connection. Their sizes and positions are in accordance with ANSI/VITA 57.1 single width FMC modules.

5. Ordering information
The FMC Power Module can be ordered at various online market places, or you can request a quotation by sending an e-mail to info@iamelectronic.com.

Tab. 3: Assembly variants of FMC Power Module with product numbers and market places.
Product no. Description Market place Request quote Standard lead time
T0008 FMC Power Module with
MC-HPC-10 and CC-HPC-10 connectors on bottom and top side.
IAM Electronic Shop

Ebay #185439259823


info@iamelectronic.com Normally in stock, otherwise 3 weeks

6. Document history
Document number:

Version history:
2022/05/24: Add ordering information, Tindie and ebay article listings
2022/05/20: Initial release

7. Imprint
Name and registered office of the company:
IAM Electronic GmbH
Bucksdorffstr. 43
04159 Leipzig

Phone: +49 341 26496031
E-Mail: info@iamelectronic.com

Chief Executive Officer: Dr. Philipp Födisch

Commercial register:
Register court: Amtsgericht Leipzig
Register number: HRB 34071
Value Added Tax Identification Number: DE313797981